Snowflower Calc supports many functions, and functions not located on the virtual keypad can be used by directly entering them on the keyboard.
| Addition |
| Subtraction |
| Multiplication |
| Division |
| Modulo |
| Raise to Higher Power, |
| Factorial, |
| The constant π (3.14159265358979323846264338328…) |
| The constant e (2.718281828459045235360287471353…) |
| The constant euler (0.577215664901532860606512090082…) |
| The result of a previous expression |
| Square Root of Number x, |
| Cube Root of Number x, |
| Exponential value of x |
| Natural Logarithm (base e) |
| Logarithm of Number x to Base y |
| x mod y |
| Ceiling, Round towards plus infinity |
| Floor, Round towards minus infinity |
| Round towards the nearest integer |
| The sign of x. Returns 1 if x>0, 0 if x=0 and -1 if x<0 |
| Sine of x |
| Cosine of x |
| Tangent of x |
| Arc Sinus of x (sin-1) |
| Arc Cosine of x (cos-1) |
| Arc Tangent of x (tan-1) |
| Hyperbolic Sinus of x |
| Hyperbolic Cosine of x |
| Hyperbolic Tangent of x |
| Arc Hyperbolic Sinus of x |
| Arc Hyperbolic Cosine of x |
| Arc Hyperbolic Tangent of x |
| Cosecant of x, Defined as: |
| Secant of x, Defined as: |
| Cotangent of x, Defined as: |
| Defined as: |
| Defined as: |
| Defined as: |
| Permutations, Defined as: |
| Combinations from n choose r, Defined as: |
| Minimum |
| Maximum |
| the gamma function is an extension of the factorial function. |
| Least common multiple. |
| Greatest common divisor. |